Building High Performing Teams and Individuals

Through research, diagnostics, and education

We help leaders to create and optimise high performing teams and environments through proprietary research, diagnostic tools and education.

We are an organisation focused on studying and generating high performance in individuals and team environments across a wide range of global industries and organisations.


Our principles are based upon a unique and ever-evolving bank of quantitative and qualitative research spanning the last three decades.


The culmination of all Elkiem’s research is the HPES. The HPES is our way of explaining and measuring the specific circumstances that trigger improved performance in teams.


Our education programs help leaders create environments designed to derive the highest performance from the individuals and teams within them.

Qualitative data and our commitment to research

Our understanding of high performance stems from over 25 years of research. Initially driven by our interest in understanding what sets high achieving individuals apart from the rest.

Our research has evolved into a desire to pinpoint and understand the dynamics that exist within certain environments that result in very high performance amongst the individuals within those environments.

iconOur research into high performing environments

Has taken us to some of the world’s elite institutions Harvard, MIT, NASA, Juilliard, The Royal College of Music and CERN to find out what it is that sets these environments apart and the drivers of their success.

AIS Logo
Special Forces Logo
MIT Logo
Julliard Logo
Royal Opera House Logo
English National Ballet Logo
Harvard Logo
Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Logo
Royal College of Music Logo
The United Nations
Formula 1
AIS Logo
Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Logo
English National Ballet Logo
Harvard Logo
Julliard Logo
MIT Logo
Royal College of Music Logo
Royal Opera House Logo
Special Forces Logo
The United Nations
Formula 1

iconOur research into high performing individuals

Largely comprises rare one-on-one interviews with many of the world’s pre-eminent thinkers, scientists, physicians, sports people, academics, religious leaders and artists. Many are famous, others are well known only to those within their field but all are highly accomplished.

Below are just a few examples of high performing individuals and environments that form part of our research.

Nelson Mandela

Nobel Peace Laureate

Nelson Mandela

Nobel Peace Laureate

Nelson Mandela

Nobel Peace Laureate

Nelson Mandela

Nobel Peace Laureate

Nelson Mandela

Nobel Peace Laureate

Nelson Mandela

Nobel Peace Laureate

Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela

Nobel Peace Laureate

Nelson Mandela
John Kotter

Harvard Business School

Nelson Mandela
Nathalie Cabrol

Leader Scientist, SETI

Sir Edmund Hillary
Sir Edmund Hillary


William Truebridge
William Truebridge

World Champion Free Diver

David Gonski
David Gonski

Businessman and Philanthropist

James Lovell
James Lovell

Apollo 13 Commander

Sonja Lyubomirsky
Sonja Lyubomirsky

Happiness Researcher

Nishioka Sensei
Nishioka Sensei

Samurai Master

Shirin Ebadi
Shirin Ebadi

Nobel Peace Laureate

Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins

Evolutionary Biologist

Carl Lewis
Carl Lewis

9x Olympic Gold Medallist

Research insights guided the team in creating the High Performance Environmental Structure (HPES). The HPES is our way of explaining the specific circumstances that trigger improved performance in human beings.


Elkiem HPES High Performance Environmental Structure

The High Performance Environmental Structure (HPES) is the cornerstone of Elkiem’s work, encompassing the nine components that exist in all performance environments and the balance which stimulates the best possible performance from the individuals within them.

Whether it’s Juilliard or NASA’s Ames Research Centre, the same nine components are always in place as either formalised systems (e.g. score card systems) or unstructured/fluid systems (e.g. agile methods). The HPES utilises both structured and fluid approaches to stimulate performance.


Elkiem Diagnostic

The Diagnostic Tool enables leaders to build a picture of their existing performance environment and compare it with a true high performance environment. Leaders can then accurately pinpoint which components are absent/lacking and what changes should be made to effect significant performance improvements. The HPES Diagnostic Tool measures the quality of both the formal/structured and informal/fluid high performance systems.


Elkiem Education

Our Education services help leaders and teams learn the key concepts in and around high performance and includes training in the implementation of the HPES within their organisation.


The Next Two Moves

We help identify the next two moves to improve a team’s performance. The key outputs of the Diagnostic Tool are the next two actions required to create the most effective performance improvement across the organisation / division / team. Why only two? Experience has taught us that the fewer the moves, the more likely they are to be fully implemented and so provide a greater likelihood of success.

Elkiem Services


Elkiem HPES Diagnostic and Next 2 Moves


This tool provides a foundational assessment of your team's current performance environment, followed by strategic recommendations your Next 2 Moves tailored to deliver the most effective, measurable improvement.


Elkiem Masterclass


This comprehensive program is designed for leaders and teams committed to achieving excellence.

Through a series of collaborative sessions, you’ll learn from decades of research and real-world insights to help tackle your organisation’s most important challenges and opportunities.

In the Masterclass, participants learn how to create a higher standard of performance in their teams.


Elkiem Black Program


This service is a journey into the depths of performance science. You gain access to our proprietary research, one-on-one sessions with high performance experts, and personalised strategies to not only reach but sustain peak results.


About Elkiem

Elkiem’s founder, Andy Meikle’s professional career started in 1988 when he was one of only 12 contracted elite endurance athletes in the original Uncle Toby’s Ironman Series. Whilst he enjoyed considerable success as an Ironman, the podium proved mostly elusive and so began an ongoing pursuit to unearth the elements of human high performance and to understand the environmental conditions necessary to achieve these standards.

This research naturally evolved to include the study of high achievers from the fields of academia, business, science, the arts, politics, military, and faith & religion. In addition to inquiring into high performance at an individual level, Elkiem’s research also investigates the conditions necessary to foster the high performance of teams as a whole.

This continued study of the dynamic and ever evolving nature of high performance, considering shifts in economic, political and social climates has culminated in the foundational material for the Elkiem High Performance Masterclass, High Performance Ambition, Meikle Files Black and other leadership education programs which build high performance cultures in a wide range of organisations.

As a result of over 25 years of researching, interviewing and working with some of the world’s finest minds and organisations, Elkiem has built one of the largest and most unique human high performance data banks in the world. Close


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Experian Global Logo
Fletcher Building Logo
Fonterra Logo
GSK Logo
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ING Logo
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Coca Cola Logo
Coca Cola Logo
Coca Cola Logo
Coca Cola Logo
Coca Cola Logo
Coca Cola Logo
Coca Cola Logo

For organisations and leaders seeking to achieve high performance.

Elkiem offers insights and tools derived from decades of empirical evidence, research and experience.

Elkiem combines the science of high performance with practical, data-driven tools designed to create environments that cultivate the highest levels of performance.
